
I was going to post a review, but I thought that would be a bit hypocritical, since I have not worked AT ALL on this blog as I said I would.

So let’s talk about life, and proyects, and how to avoid them, because that is pretty much all I’ve been doing.

I’ve had several chances in my life that could have changed my life forever. I made decisions about love, ideals, work. And here I am. What have I become in life so far? An administrative. Period.

This has not happened because I did not have enough and posible future-changers coming my way, this has happened because I chose not to take those chances. I chose to be a coward and stay in my not so great safe space, because it was safe, it is safe.

But I have learnt that safe does not mean good. You only live once (really), and while you are here you should at least try and create someting. And I don’t mean do something great, do something that will change the world -to be honest that is pretty hard to do. I am just saying create, work hard on something you like just for the sake of it because at the end your time in this planet will be just as short.

Also, apply this basis to everything in your life. Be passionate; love like crazy; if you can’t quit that job you hate, try and improve your time there; be kind.

Take chances.

You can’t know what life brings you if you are not willing to take some risks.